Community Health Data


Community Health Assessment

The Community Health Assessment (CHA) is conducted every three years in partnership with various agencies and organizations throughout the community.  The CHA provides useful information from local community members about their health concerns, access to care, and individual health status.  The information collected is used to select health priorities and to drive the work of local health departments and the Healthy Carolinian partnership.

*Please note that the appendices to the Community Health Assessment are available upon request.

Electronic Community Health Improvement Plan

A community health improvement plan is a long-term, systematic effort to address public health problems in a community. The plan is based on the results of community health assessment activities, and is part of a community health improvement process.

State of the County Health Report

Annually, the Health Department updates major health statistics and provides updates on health needs identified as health priorities from the CHA.  This information is compiled into a State of the County Health Report (SOTCH).

Other Primary & Secondary Health Data