The Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program (AP3) is a program of the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiatives that provides adolescents with the knowledge, skills, and support they need to prevent a pregnancy. This program is offered in many counties throughout North Carolina. In Jackson County, the program is delivered by implementing the Making Proud Choices curriculum.
Making Proud Choices
Making Proud Choices is an 8 to 14-module curriculum that provides adolescents with the knowledge, confidence, and skills necessary to reduce their risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), HIV and pregnancy by abstaining from sex or using condoms if they choose to have sex. Making Proud Choices helps young people:
Increase their knowledge of HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy prevention
Believe in the value of abstinence and other safer-sex practices
Improve their ability to negotiate abstinence or safer-sex practices
Take pride in choosing responsible sexual behaviors
Senior Seminar
The goal of Senior Seminar is to give seniors in high school a refresher in healthy decision making before graduation. Senior Seminar is a five-part exploration with outside speakers reaching out to high school seniors. Topics include:
Money management
Personal violence
STDs and contraception
Substance abuse
Legal consequences of high risk choices
For more information, call 828-587-8252.